Wednesday, July 11, 2007

First Entry

Hello to anyone who stumbles upon this. This is my first entry in my first blog. I'm not really ready to say anything profound at the moment, I just wanted to get this set up and figured it would be nice to have a few words on the first page.

I am organizationally challenged so entries here will be rather sporadic, but I hope it will be a better outlet than talking to myself and the cats after everyone else is asleep. I tend to be a night owl so I get most of my work done after everyone else retires.

I take a lot of pictures, mostly of family these days, but sometimes I try to get creative, so I'm sure at times I'll let the photos speak for me. I also struggle with compostition whether it be a thank you note or an essay, so the pictures my help me get past that at times. Until next time.

1 comment:

Granny said...

Glad to have you aboard blogspot. Be sure to check out other blogspot bloggers. You will find some truly interesting ones.

Hope to "see" more of you.