Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The first "Back Again" has been found!

August 21st, 12:41 a.m.: For anyone who read my earlier entries, you recall that I was remorseful at losing a lengthy draft before I had saved it. Well, unbeknownst to me, it was saved. I just found it when I went back to edit the posting I composed tonight and saw this saved draft on the list. Thank you blogspot for autosave. So here it is ,though a little out of order, but on rereading it, all still relevent. I'll go to bed with something more to smile about tonight.

I'm finally back home again to stay for a while, probably for the rest of the year since I've used most of my vacation time, so I figured I'd try this again. Every time I've thought about doing this since the first time I posted, it seems that the clock manages to roll around past midnight by the time I've finished my other tasks, both planned and as the result of being sidetracked. The latter sometimes more than the first as I'm sure will become evident in my ramblings if I stick with this. I do tend to be a night owl and summer allows me to function a bit more toward that tendancy. I like to settle in and get my "work" done after my family is soundly asleep. That also tends to happen a bit later in the summer.

My blog name is really what I am, a pediatrician and mother of three as well as wife to one. And if I'm to be even more honest, I should expand the name to 'Organizationally challenged Doctor Mom who much of the time feels she can barely keep her head above water'. That being said, I probably have no business spending time on a blog, but I thought it might be a little therapeutic and something that is just for me. I don't feel I get a whole lot of that (which really doesn't bother me too much), but my husband would likely differ with that opinion. It often seems to me that he thinks anytime away from home without the kids is me time, even if that is being at work. This stems from the fact that he stays home with the kids. I'll admit that I might have to agree with him during the summer, but I have a harder time being sympathetic during the school year when they are all out of the house for 7 hour stretches. He certainly has plenty to do to fill those hours as he occasionally does contracted carpentry work and he has been remodeling our master bedroom for the last 4 years. If I can keep up with this blog, I'm sure that subject of me time will be brought up again. I'll be curious to see if other couples with the same arrangement have similar issues.

Well, though I'm not a writer and I have always disliked with a passion having to do any written composition, I'm finding the words flowing a bit more easily as I go. But alas, the clock has again rolled around past midnight so I will say goodnight. Before I do, one more thing, if I didn't mention her in the last post, my sister-in-law is my inspiration to do this. I have enjoyed reading hers to keep up with her since we seldom get to see each other. At the same time, I am a little intimidated my hers because she is such a good writer......

1 comment:

cda said...

You are sweet, Doctor Mom!
The Sister-in-Law in Question