Wednesday, August 29, 2007

School meetings, vomiting, and long division, oh my...

Today was generally a pretty good day. I got the kids to school on time by more than the skin of our teeth. My husband remembered the kids' dentist appts. early enough for me to call in the antibiotic Rx that O (my oldest) has to take prior to her dental exams and to get her out of school in time for the appt. I even finished up my work early enough clean off another shelf in my office (in preparation of a meeting next week with the assistant to the new dean of our medical school) and still get out at a reasonable time. From there things changed. On my arrival home my son (M) informed me that he was feeling queasy and still had a lot of homework to do. I figured it was probably from swallowing too much of something at the dentist and he would feel fine once his homework was done. Unfortunately, I couldn't stick around to see how that turned out because there was a back to school meeting at D's school. On my return all was quiet and everyone was asleep, but then I heard that dreaded and unmistakable sound of a child vomiting. The good news is that he made it to the bathroom, so I didn't have to change sheets or scrub rugs. Actually, that was GREAT news as I can do blood and bugs, but I hate vomit. The bad news is that it happened several times and he hadn't finished his homework. He presented me with a sheet of long division problems (something new for him) with only a few problems done, and most of those incorrectly. I know what you're thinking, "I can't believe she tried to make him do his work when he was sick". Well, I did try when I thought the vomiting was going to be a one time thing and he'd be going back to school tomorrow. I thought it was important to do a few with him to make sure he understood it before he started doing them tomorrow since I won't be around. He is now soundly asleep on the couch with a bucket next to him. He normally sleeps in a top bunk with his sister underneath, so I don't want to take the chance of hitting her if he wakes up and can't get out of bed on time. We've had some close calls before.

On a bit heavier note, I received some scary news the other night. My mother, 77 years young, had a breast biopsy come back positive for cancer. With the stats being what they are, I know many of you can relate all too well in regard to a mother, sister, friend or self in this matter. She actually had a wide excision of a melanoma on her leg at the same time they did her needle biopsy. When I called my parents to find out if they had any results, my father said yes, and not good. I immediately assumed it was the melanoma, but it was the breast. We're still waiting to hear about the margins of the skin lesion so we'll know whether they'll have to check groin lymph nodes when they have her in next week to do her lumpectomy. You have to understand that my mom is really healthy. I don't mean she's a fitness nut or into health food, she's just never sick other than a cold here and there. She's lived a good moderate life. I don't think she knows how to be sick. She's worrying about whether her kitchen which is currently being redone will be done in time for her to get everything back into the cabinets before she has her surgery next week. Yes, I did tell her to quit worrying about that. Any way, please keep her in your prayers, thoughts, meditations, or whatever it is you may do to send positive energy her way, and for my dad too. They've been married more that 50 years and this will be tough on him too. I do mean emotionally, he isn't helpless and he can certainly step up to the plate as far as pitching in to get things done.

Time for bed if I'm to get up and go to a 6 a.m. body pump class. I took the summer off and just went back yesterday morning after about 2 1/2 months and boy am I sore. Good Night.

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