Monday, August 20, 2007

And so It begins again ...

For anyone who may have seen my first entries and figured I had fizzled out when they hadn't seen any more postings for a few weeks, I'm back. It isn't that I haven't thought about sitting down to do this on several occasions, it's just that sleep, or reading a bit, or retouching the trim in the new (redo) bathroom have seemed to take precedence. I'll admit, that all of those were still in competition for my time tonight. There is one more reason I have put off doing this and it has to do with some views I read in a few blogs when I was going from one link to another a few weeks ago, but that will have to wait. I didn't have a chance to compose myself in a thoughtful manner when the fire was hot, so I just didn't write at all. Now I've cooled off a bit, but I'd still like to put in my views, but not tonight.

The last few weeks have been filled with finishing up and enjoying the last of summer break while starting to gear up for "back to school" again. My 12 year old spent a week at the beach with her cousin and family, then my 9 year old went to camp for the first time (during the hottest week of the year-we're talking over 1oo for days in a row in the southeast, no, not the dry heat). He still came home with a resounding YES when asked if he wanted to go back again next year, and no this camp does not have ac in the cabins. It's pretty rustic. Since we've been slowly finishing off school supply lists and trying to comply with recent uniform policy changes at one school while trying to learn everything about the middle school my daughter will be attending this year. I've had two years with all three children in the same school, but now that will change as my oldest is moving on. At least we got to wait until 7th grade unlike most of the middle schools in our area that start at 6th grade.(sorry about the grammar)

Work too is picking up as parents realize that it is time for that back to school check up or those school medication forms that have been sitting on a counter all summer suddenly need to be filled out yesterday and oh yes, sorry, but we just realized that Johnny doesn't have any ADHD medicine to start school tomorrow. Alas, I am not the only procrastinator out there.

On top of that our long standing remodel of our master suite is making progress to the point that I can start letting myself imagine where we'll hang the towels and what will go in the drawers of the vanity. Finding currents is my current quest. If anyone knows a good site to look for panel drapes by color and length, let me know. I found a nice set at Linens n things, but I'm going to have to hem then and I'd prefer not to.

Once again, the time is past midnight, so I'll sign out. Hopefully I'll return sooner than last time, though probably not before next week with open houses, parent teacher meetings, checkups, karate, soccer, chess.......
One last thing, when I went to edit this posting, I found a draft that I composed a few weeks ago and thought I lost. It's showing up in order of when I first wrote it, so if you have time, scroll down and take a look. It gives a little more insight into me that I haven't had time to go back and recompose.

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