Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I recently received an invitation to my 25th high school reunion. Due to several factors, short notice, busy time of year at work and school, the fact that I live 10 hours away by car thus requiring a plane flight for a short weekend, and that my parents will be out of town, I will not be attending. Initially I was not that disappointed. I've only kept in touch will a few old classmates, most of whom will not be attending. But after spending several evenings this past week going thru old photos and emailing them to a classmate who is preparing a slideshow for the event, I find myself a bit more disappointed that I'll be missing it. I'm not entirely sure why, nostalgia, curiosity, or maybe it's more selfish. Maybe it's a need to be remembered, a need to let them know that the girl they voted most likely to succeed (in a tie with another girl, a singer, even though I wasn't the most popular, or the prettiest or the funniest) has succeeded in some ways. Maybe because I feel I struggle in so many other ways to succeed in simple day to day things, like getting the kids ready for school without a mad rush, or to bed on time with all homework done, or getting places comfortably on time. Perhaps seeing myself thru the eyes of others who might be more likely to see the big picture of what I've managed to do thus far might be reassuring. Whatever it is, I hope I make it to the 30th.

1 comment:

cda said...

This is a beautiful piece. I wish you could go, too. But in the meantime, for what it's worth, please know that two peeps in Boston are impressed with your success!
The other C