Friday, November 27, 2009

Long time

I haven't been here for more than a year and it's too late to go into detail right now, but it's been quite a year, well, 6 months anyway. This summer I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. It's been a roller coaster of emotions since then, not to mention dealing with a couple of operations. If you ask people, they may tell you, oh yah, that's the good kind of cancer. It may not be as bad as some, but there is still nothing good about it. You can visit the thyroid cancer awareness facebook page to get an idea of what a lot of us are dealing with.
I've spent a lot of time exchanging views, experiences, and information with the good people who post on that site, but one of them came back to blog spot with her experiences, and I thought I might try to get back here as well. We'll see if I can stick with it. Even if I don't keep it up for long, I hope I can help someone else out there dealing with this, or trying to help a loved one deal with it.

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