Thursday, July 15, 2010


Had the u/s directed needle biopsy of nodes in my neck yesterday. The procedure really wasn't bad at all. He numbed the area with lidocaine which stung just a bit. After that, all I really felt was pressure of the ultrasound transducer and from the needle when he biopsied. He did three separate passes and I could only tell he stuck me from a little pressure. I'd read accounts of it being pretty painful, so I was relieved.
Now I just have to wait for the results which will probably take about a week.


cda said...

Good luck waiting, Doctor Mom! I was thinking about you a lot last night, wondering how it went and how long the wait for results was (somehow I thought you would learn this week).

Sending all my best thoughts and wishes,


Anonymous said...

I think waiting is often more difficult than dealing ( treatment or relief ) the results. You are in my prayers.

Pam B.

CAFH said...

Thanks for the good thoughts. I thought I might know something before the weekend too, but since the testing is actually chemistry type stuff and not just microscope, it takes a bit longer. Pam, you are so right. Waiting IS the hardest part. I know that's part of a song, just can't place which one. It's not quite so bad this time since the result is more pos or neg, but last year when I didn't know the WHAT, I had really weird dreams while waiting on results. Hopefully I'll know something one way or another (that one I remember, Blondie!) by the end of next week. I'll keep you posted. Until then, I'm going to try a round of golf tomorrow. I've only played once since last year. It should be interesting. Bonus: the temp isn't supposed to be over 90 before I finish!