Saturday, August 7, 2010

My Mom

I've talked about my cancer challenges as well as my parents'. Now it's time, unfortunately, to bring up my mom again.
Almost 3 years ago she had a melanoma removed from her leg. All looked good, clear margins, etc. Not long ago she felt a small lump in her right groin, same leg as previous melanoma. PET scan lit up there, but just there thank the Lord. Lump came out last week and preliminary path looks like melanoma. Hopefully followup test results will be ready for oncology visit next week.
I know this post isn't read by many, but for those of you that do. Please add my mom to your prayer list. She's a wonderful woman and 80 just isn't old enough for her.


cda said...

Sending good and healing thoughts to your mom. You're right: She's a young 80 and should have many, many more years! With love, Cathy

CAFH said...

Thanks Cathy.